Expand description


Rust bindings to ClassiCube



Add this to Cargo.toml:

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

classicube-sys = { git = "https://github.com/SpiralP/rust-classicube-sys.git" }


use classicube_sys::*;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, ptr};

extern "C" fn init() {
    let owned_string = OwnedString::new("hello from rust!");
    unsafe {

pub static Plugin_ApiVersion: c_int = 1;

pub static mut Plugin_Component: IGameComponent = IGameComponent {
    // Called when the game is being loaded.
    Init: Some(init),
    // Called when the component is being freed. (e.g. due to game being closed)
    Free: None,
    // Called to reset the component's state. (e.g. reconnecting to server)
    Reset: None,
    // Called to update the component's state when the user begins loading a new map.
    OnNewMap: None,
    // Called to update the component's state when the user has finished loading a new map.
    OnNewMapLoaded: None,
    // Next component in linked list of components.
    next: ptr::null_mut(),

Copy the .dll/.so/.dylib from target/{debug,release}/ to the plugins folder where your ClassiCube executable is found


Example library usage

ClassiCube source

ClassiCube Plugin help

ClassiCube Plugin examples


pub use crate::screen::OwnedScreen;



gives (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)

gives ((x, y, z), (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2))

gives (x, y, z)

gives (x, y, z)

Whether all components of a 3D vector are 0

Sets the X, Y, and Z components of a 3D vector



Identity matrix. (A * Identity = A)



Returns a vector with all components set to Int32_MaxValue.

Gets the block at the nth index in the current hotbar.

Gets the currently selected block.

Sets the block at the nth index in the current hotbar.

Clamps the given angle so it lies between [0, 360).

Makes a location update only containing yaw and pitch.

Makes a location update only containing position

Makes a location update containing position, yaw and pitch.

Whether all of the components of the two vectors are equal.

Returns a normalised vector facing in the direction described by the given yaw and pitch.

Returns the squared length of the vector. Squared length can be used for comparison, to avoid a costly sqrt() However, you must sqrt() this when adding lengths.

Linearly interpolates components of two vectors.

Scales all components of a vector to lie in [-1, 1]

Transforms a vector by the given matrix.

Same as Vec3_Transform, but faster since X and Z are assumed as 0.

Type Definitions
